Courtenay & District Museum

  • Lecture: Images from the Likeness House
  • Birthday Celebration
  • Anniversary Give Away
  • It's All There in Black and White
  • Fall and Winter at Capes
  • Before Television
  • Donations
  • Museum Sponsors
  • Photo of the Month
  • Museum Funding

  • Phone:



    Mailing Address:
    207 Fourth Street,
    Courtenay BC,
    V9N 1G7

    Tuesday to Saturday
    10am to 5pm

    Sunday & Monday

    John Wilson

    Vice President
    Daryl Wright

    Past President
    April Shopland

    Rick Ross
    Jim Haggart
    Ross Dingwall
    Harry Squire
    Mary Everson

    Elizabeth Braithwaite

    Member of...

    British Columbia Museums Association

    Canadian Museums

    Archives Association of
    British Columbia

    Heritage Society of British Columbia


    Lecture: Images from the Likeness House

    Cover image may be of a man known as Tyee Jim(?). Photographed by J.W. Jones or T.M. Jones, about 1897.
    RBCM PN 1134.

    Guest speaker: Dan Savard
    When: 7:30 pm, Wednesday, October 19, 2011
    Where: Rotary Gallery of Courtenay and District Museum
    Admission: $5 (plus HST) museum members; $6 (plus HST) general public. Advance tickets recommended.

    On a winter's day in 1889, Tsimshian Chief Arthur Wellington Clah went to a photography studio in Victoria to have his portrait taken. "Rebekah ask if I going likeness house," Chief Clah wrote in his diary, "So I go, to give myself likeness. Rebekah stand longside me." Join author Dan Savard as he provides an illustrated lecture based on his award winning book Images from the Likeness House on October 19th.

    Savard will explore the relationship between First Peoples in British Columbia, Alaska and Washington, and the native and non-native photographers who made "likenesses" of them from the late 1850s to the 1920s.

    Click here for Details


    Birthday Celebration

    You are invited to join Judy Hagen as she celebrates her 70th birthday from 2–4 pm on Saturday, October 22nd. Festivities to take place in the museum's Rotary Gallery.

    Judy is a longtime member and Past President of the Courtenay and District Historical Society.

    Her public birthday party is a tribute to the Society's 50th Anniversary and a fundraiser for the museum's endowment fund which is held by the Comox Valley Community Foundation.

    Everyone is invited to enjoy cake, music and celebration.

    Contributions to the endowment fund are welcome and the museum can provide a tax receipt for donations.

    Thank you Judy!


    Anniversary Give Away

    This month our congratulations go out to the September winners of The Comox Valley book - M. Carr and Facebook fan Michelle Annand!

    We continue our year long 50th anniversary celebration of the Courtenay and District Historical Society with a monthly prize draw to receive a complimentary copy of the coffee table book by Paula Wild.

    All current, paid-up members to the Society are automatically entered to win, and now we've increased your chances of winning by doing a separate draw for fans to our Facebook page.


    It's All There in Black and White

    Another well-known Comox Valley building has been lost to fire with the burning of the former Buckerfield's Feed Store on September 27th. Just 'n Tyme Greenhouse and Hydroponic Supply was the most recent business in the Courtenay structure located on McKenzie Avenue near Cumberland Road.

    When Buckerfield's opened in June of 1957, it was referred to as "Vancouver Island's most modern feed store north of Victoria and one of the largest on the Island."

    Be sure to check out this article from the June 19, 1957 Comox District Free Press to find out what all the buzz was about.

    Read this newspaper article from our archives


    Fall and Winter at Capes

    It is officially fall and the leaves are starting to change colour.

    Thoughts start to turn to winter...walks in the rain, skiing and warm drinks in a cozy room.

    Staff have been hard at work at the Capes Escape vacation rental - cleaning the gutters and preparing the house for guests.

    If you are having company coming to visit, or perhaps skiing at Mt. Washington, don't forget that Capes Escape can sleep up to eight people!

    For further information and availability please click here


    CDM 988.136.1

    Before Television
    What Happens When We Turn off the Remote

    Now here's something from before the age of television which would have kept idle hands busy…

    Hand made in Italy in 1879, this dress was first worn by Miss De Michele of England. It was then worn by Miss Mary Lloyd and then (here comes the Comox Valley connection) by Miss Alianora Mary Lloyd at her marriage to John Rutherford Rae in 1935. Their wedding took place at St. John's Church in Courtenay.

    Alianora (or Nora) Lloyd was one of Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Captain) Lloyd's daughters. The dress and accessories were sent from England especially for the ceremony.

    The Comox Argus account of the 1935 wedding describes the dress as being “shirred and tucked elaborately at bodice waist and sleeves, ruchings of pleated satin at the hem of the skirt and at the neck line. The waist line was carried to the back in a bustle effect which spread into a short train edged with ruching.”



    Please consider supporting the Courtenay and District Museum through a charitable donation. Click on the link below to support donations to us directly or through the Comox Valley Community Foundation.

    Click here to Donate Now


    Museum Sponsors

    Judy and Stan Hagen
    Comox Valley Community Foundation
    Daryl and Evelyn Wright-Francis Jeweller's Ltd.
    The Rotary Club of Courtenay Foundation
    The Robert Hunt Family
    Don and Marie Gordon
    M. Jean McMullan Estate
    Bruce McPhee

    Comox Valley Echo
    Marjorie Thorpe
    The Bickle Family
    Lorna Gunn
    John Wilson and Family
    Judy Gurr
    Sue and Ian Leakey
    Ed LaFleur
    Ron Moffat
    Paula Moffat

    Elizabeth Braithwaite
    Jean Hawthorne

    Dove and Mike Hendren
    Ruth Masters
    John and Joan Wilson
    George E. Sprogis
    Gordon Schnare
    Mary Mobley
    D. Mobley
    M.E. McKerrow


    Photo of the Month

    CDM #985.89.13
    Campbell Lake catch, 1918

    You can view more photos like this on our website. Click here to visit our holdings.


    Museum Funding

    The Courtenay and District Historical Society was registered as a nonprofit society in 1961 to preserve and interpret cultural and natural heritage of the Comox Valley. It has functioned as an independent society since that time. Funds are derived from the generous support of the City of Courtenay, British Columbia Arts Council, Comox Valley Regional District, British Columbia Gaming Branch, and from museum generated revenues and donations.

    Proud sponsors of the Courtenay & District Museum:

    The City of Courtenay

    BC Arts Councils

    Regional District Comox-Strathcona