Welcom To Geneology Lesson Four
As you do your research you may find conflicting dates and erroneous information, or even false information. It is a good idea to check all sources carefully. Using a variety of sources is crucial for ensuring accuracy in piecing together a family puzzle. Do not add anyone to your family tree without verifying their relationship from reliable records.

Be aware of alternate spelling variations of surnames that you are researching. Names like "Many" can has several variations such as, Magny, Manna, Manny, Manney, Maney, Mannee, Mani, Meny, Money, Manee. Record all the information you find, you may be surprised at what you may find.
Research Help Danger Zones
Contains information on mistaken identity, conflicting records, inaccurate previous research and more.

Research books and online magazines to assist you in your research. The more you learn, the easier your research will become.

Journal of Online Genealogy
The free monthly journal is full of helpful articles and focuses on the use of online resources and techniques on genealogy and family history.

Fellow researchers are usually helpful and often they are willing to share information free of charge.

Books We Own
A list of resources owned or accessed by researchers who are willing to look up genealogical information for you.

Genealogy Help and Guides
Wealth of both general guides and genealogy research and information about research in specific areas.

Hit a Brick Wall

This concludes the Courtenay Museum tutorial. Good luck on your family roots research!

Lesson Three
Lesson Three