Courtenay & District Museum

  • Capes Escape Roof Fundraiser
  • Fossil Tours
  • Watershed Moments
  • Your Membership Makes A Difference
  • Gift Shop News
  • It's All There in Black and White
  • Photo of the Month
  • Museum Funding

  • Phone:



    Mailing Address:
    207 Fourth Street,
    Courtenay BC,
    V9N 1G7

    Tuesday to Saturday:
    10am - 5pm

    Sunday & Monday:

    John Wilson

    Vice President
    Daryl Wright

    Past President
    April Shopland

    Rick Ross
    Jim Haggart
    Ross Dingwall
    Mary Everson

    Elizabeth Braithwaite

    Member of...

    British Columbia Museums Association

    Canadian Museums

    Archives Association of
    British Columbia

    Heritage Society of British Columbia

    Comox Museum

    Cumberland Museum

    Comox Air Force Museum

    Filberg Heritage Lodge

    The Alberni Project


    Capes Escape Roof Fundraiser

    The Courtenay Museum has started a crowdfunding campaign to raise the roof at Capes Escape. We're aiming for a fall redo of the roof of this great historic home and have teamed up with FundRazr and InvestLocalBC to crowdfund some matching dollars.

    In the 1990s, Katherine Capes, one of the first female archaeologists in Canada and a founder of our fifty-five-year-old society, donated her home and seven acres as a legacy in perpetuity to the museum.

    Everything is in great shape on the house--except the roof! The estimates we've received take us to a total of $10,000. We're asking donors to help us with half that amount. Your donation, no matter the amount, will help us preserve this wonderful heritage home. For donations of $50 or more, we will provide you with a gift of the Marilyn Timms print of the Capes property "West Coast Retreat". Thank You, Merci, Obrigada, Arigato!

    Click Here to Donate and Share


    Fossil Tours

    Our public tours are in full swing for the summer.

    Click here to find out more about how you can be part of this adventure.


    Watershed Moments

    Here now is an image and quote from the museum's award-winning book Watershed Moments - A Pictorial History of Courtenay and District.

    Photo credit: CDM 990.24.107

    Photo caption: Dairy farmer Frank Childs with his family. Left to right: Frank, Mary Jane, Edith and Jane, ca. 1905. Walter Gage photograph. Page 89.

    "Jane loved horses, and as a young girl would often be seen riding throughout the valley. She especially loved riding along with her father as they shot deer and quail for the family dinner. She was a "crack shot," as was her son Robert. Robert was so proficient that the organizers of the local turkey shoots barred him from entering the popular competitions. In the parlour of the Childs' home were rugs made from the skins of a cougar and a bear, as well as three mounted owls that had attempted to enter the chicken coop." Page 88.

    Psst! Don't forget to pick up your copy of the book at the museum gift shop, too.

    Click Here for a Larger Version


    Your Membership Makes A Difference

    Purchasing a membership to the Courtenay and District Museum, now in its 55th year, supports heritage preservation in the Comox Valley through special events, lectures, education programmes, research and exhibitions. Your membership benefits these award winning programmes on a year round basis and we appreciate it!

    Becoming a member provides you with discounts in the gift shop and on lectures and an opportunity to support one of the most active regional museums in British Columbia. Thank you for your support.

    Click here to Join


    Gift Shop News

    From the fertile imagination of Ding Ding Dilly Crafts comes these charming replicas of the museum's African lungfish, Slugzilla. Available in our shop for only $13 each.


    It's All There in Black and White

    An intriguing flashback from the Comox District Free Press July 11, 1973 edition.

    Read this newspaper article from our archives

    With legacy support from the Bickle Family and the Comox Valley Echo.


    Photo of the Month

    CDM #p315-131
    Prize baseball team, Comox Valley, 1912

    You can view more photos like this on our website. Click here to visit our holdings.


    Museum Funding

    The Courtenay and District Historical Society was registered as a nonprofit society in 1961 to preserve and interpret cultural and natural heritage of the Comox Valley. It has functioned as an independent society since that time. Funds are derived from the generous support of the City of Courtenay, British Columbia Arts Council, Comox Valley Regional District, British Columbia Gaming Branch, and from museum generated revenues and donations.

    Proud sponsors of the Courtenay & District Museum:

    The City of Courtenay

    BC Arts Councils

    Regional District Comox-Strathcona