Courtenay & District Museum

  • A Walk Through Time
  • Canada Day Celebrations
  • Summer Hours
  • Photo of the Month
  • Summer Programs
  • Fossil Tours
  • Centennial Boxes at Hot Chocolates
  • It's All There in Black and White
  • Gift Shop News
  • Courtenay's Centennial
  • Your Membership Makes A Difference
  • Museum Sponsors
  • Museum Funding

  • Phone:



    Mailing Address:
    207 Fourth Street,
    Courtenay BC,
    V9N 1G7

    Monday to Saturday:
    10am - 5pm

    Noon - 4pm

    John Wilson

    Vice President
    Daryl Wright

    Past President
    April Shopland

    Rick Ross
    Jim Haggart
    Ross Dingwall
    Harry Squire
    Mary Everson

    Elizabeth Braithwaite

    Member of...

    British Columbia Museums Association

    Canadian Museums

    Archives Association of
    British Columbia

    Heritage Society of British Columbia


    Exhibit Opening:
    "A Walk Through Time"

    Join us on Saturday, June 27 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm for the opening of the museum's City of Courtenay Centennial Exhibition which includes historic panels covering Courtenay's last 100 years created by the City of Courtenay Heritage Commission.

    This is a great chance to celebrate Homecoming Week, to meet and greet and to enjoy light refreshments. We look forward to seeing you!


    Canada Day Celebrations

    On Canada Day, drop by the Courtenay and District Museum after the parade and help celebrate our country's birthday.

    There will be free admission, balloons and door prize draws between 12 noon and 4 pm.

    Special activities will include cupcake walks for all ages and a hands-on craft for kids. Musical entertainment will be provided by Alan Jossul. Face Painting by Gillian Legendre of Detailed Face Painting.

    Canada Day is a great chance to explore history at the museum.


    Summer Hours

    Open Seven Days a Week

    The Courtenay and District Museum is now on its summer operating schedule and is open Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 5:00 and Sundays from 12:00 to 4:00 until Labour Day. As always, members visit free.


    Photo of the Month

    CDM #985.89.12
    Oyster River boating, 1918

    You can view more photos like this on our website. Click here to visit our holdings.


    Summer Programs

    To add to downtown Courtenay's 2015 summertime fun, the Courtenay and District Museum and Palaeontology Centre is presenting two children's summer camp programs in alternating weeks throughout July and August. These camps will provide fun and interactive opportunities for kids ages 5-9 to learn about dinosaurs, reptiles, and fossils through activities and crafts that encourage thinking, moving, and creatively exploring the museum's palaeontology exhibits and collections.

    Click Here for More Info


    Fossil Tours

    Can you dig it?

    With summer here it's a great time to go on one of Courtenay Museum's fossil tours! The tours are a fantastic way to learn about fossils and even to get the chance to dig up one yourself.

    Each tour includes a brief lecture about the numerous exhibits in the museum before heading off to one of the fossil sites. Hammers, chisels and other gear are supplied by the museum.

    Click Here for More Info


    Centennial Boxes at Hot Chocolates

    Yet another reason to buy chocolate...

    For a limited time, Hot Chocolates on Fifth Street will be selling boxes of truffles to celebrate the centennial anniversary of Courtenay.

    A portion of sales from boxes with the centennial logo and historic Little River picnic photograph from our archives will help to support museum programming.

    Each box contains 12 truffles, half dark chocolate and half milk chocolate. At a price of $24 each, they cost the same as one of the regular boxes of 12 truffles.

    They're a great way to support the museum and celebrate the city's anniversary (and enjoy some delicious chocolate!)

    The Courtenay Museum thanks Jordan Marshall of Hot Chocolates for his continued, outstanding support.


    It's All There in Black and White

    Did you know there was a sulphur depot in Courtenay? A June 23, 1975 article from the Comox District Free Press touches on the subject as well as the continuing "on again; off again" nature of the E & N Railway.

    Read this newspaper article from our archives

    With legacy support from the Bickle Family and the Comox Valley Echo.


    Gift Shop News

    The gift shop has a new line of locally made products from "Giggling Gertie". There is a range of old fashion bunting (cloth banners), with either dinosaurs, bright pink and yellow flowers or pastel coloured polka dots. There is also a variety of cushion covers with brightly coloured buttons. Other new items arriving shortly will be beach hut birdhouses which will be a fun addition to the gift shop.


    Courtenay's Centennial

    Throughout this year, the museum newsletter will be providing glimpses into the back story on the City's Incorporation, history and development.

    Still Standing
    The spring of 1962 saw a bit of a building surge in downtown Courtenay.

    The Anco Motel opened in late May of that year on Cliffe Avenue. There were a total of 28 units in its L-shaped design as well as a small coffee shop with seating for 16 guests. The $250,000 motel also boasted a heated swimming pool, first in the district, in its paved forecourt.

    A brand new $400,000 supermarket opened in June 1962 on England Avenue. It was a Super-Valu store that, after several modernizations, is today's Thrifty Foods. The original Super-Valu featured a hardware section, a customer lounge with vending machines and for the youngsters there was a “horse plus a new attraction in this area, a mechanical elephant for Johnnie and Jane to ride on.”


    Your Membership Makes A Difference

    Purchasing a membership to the Courtenay and District Museum, now in its 54th year, supports heritage preservation in the Comox Valley through special events, lectures, education programmes, research and exhibitions. Your membership benefits these award winning programmes on a year round basis and we appreciate it!

    Becoming a member provides you with discounts in the gift shop and on lectures and an opportunity to support one of the most active regional museums in British Columbia. Thank you for your support.

    Click here to Join


    Museum Sponsors

    Comox Valley Community Foundation
    Judy Hagen
    The Robert Hunt Family
    Bruce McPhee
    Vancouver Island Exploration Group
    Daryl and Evelyn Wright - Francis Jewellers Ltd.

    The Bickle Family
    Comox Valley Echo
    Comox Valley Monarch Lions Club
    Ed LaFleur
    Marjorie Thorpe
    John Wilson and Family

    Elizabeth Braithwaite
    Des Kennedy


    Christine Dickinson
    Coral Dunn
    Dove and Mike Hendren
    Peggy Hildebrandt
    Ted Lovegrove
    Ruth Masters

    D. Mobley
    Jim Peacock
    April Shopland
    Jean & Ian Sibbald
    Roberts & Adela Smith
    Comox Valley Family History Research Group

    If you're considering donating to a charity, please consider the Courtenay and District Museum. Your support goes towards education programmes, lectures and collection management. We provide a tax receipt to donors.

    Please click here to donate


    Museum Funding

    The Courtenay and District Historical Society was registered as a nonprofit society in 1961 to preserve and interpret cultural and natural heritage of the Comox Valley. It has functioned as an independent society since that time. Funds are derived from the generous support of the City of Courtenay, British Columbia Arts Council, Comox Valley Regional District, British Columbia Gaming Branch, and from museum generated revenues and donations.

    Proud sponsors of the Courtenay & District Museum:

    The City of Courtenay

    BC Arts Councils

    Regional District Comox-Strathcona