Courtenay & District Museum

  • Lecture: Cougar Companions
  • Summer Jobs
  • BCHF Conference
  • Periodical Wisdom
  • Photo of the Month
  • Merville - 100 Years and Counting
  • It's All There in Black and White
  • Your Membership and Donations Make A Difference
  • Watershed Moments
  • Lecture: Riding the Continent
  • Museum Funding

  • Phone:



    Mailing Address:
    207 Fourth Street,
    Courtenay BC,
    V9N 1G7

    Tuesday through Saturday
    10am to 5pm

    Sunday & Monday

    John Wilson

    Vice President
    Daryl Wright

    Past President
    April Shopland

    Rick Ross
    Jim Haggart
    Ross Dingwall
    Mary Everson
    Julie Fortin

    Elizabeth Braithwaite

    Member of...

    British Columbia Museums Association

    Canadian Museums

    Archives Association of
    British Columbia

    British Columbia Historical Federation

    Comox Museum

    Cumberland Museum

    Comox Air Force Museum

    Filberg Heritage Lodge

    I-Hos Gallery

    HMCS ALBERNI Museum and Memorial

    Nim Nim Interpretive Centre


    Lecture: Cougar Companions

    Time and Date: 7 pm, Tuesday, May 14, 2019
    Location: Rotary Gallery of the Courtenay and District Museum
    Speaker: Judith Williams
    Tickets: $5 for Historical Society members; $6 for general public (plus GST). Advance tickets strongly recommended as lectures frequently sell out. Tickets can be purchased over the phone by calling 250-334-0686 ext 2.

    Author Judith Williams speaks about her latest book Raincoast Chronicles 24: Cougar Companions, Bute Inlet Country and the Legendary Schnarrs.

    Click for More Info


    Summer Jobs

    Are you a young person with an interest in cultural or natural history?

    We have three 8-week long positions to fill this summer and will be accepting applications until Friday, May 30, 2019.

    Please note that the jobs listed are made possible with funding from Service Canada through the Canada Summer Jobs program and are open to all youth between 15 and 30 years of age.

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    BCHF Conference

    The BC Historical Federation is holding its annual conference in the Comox Valley from June 6-9, 2019.

    Here's just a sampling of the presentations being held at the Native Sons Hall in Courtenay:

    Friday, June 7
    10:15 - 11:15am "Engaging Genealogists." Like genealogy? Family historians have a lot to offer historical societies. Come hear some examples of how you can contribute to research projects.

    Saturday, June 8
    11:15am - 12pm Join a special presentation - "Not Just Stones and Beads: Recognizing, Revitalizing and Protecting Indigenous Cultural Heritage in BC." Learn about the importance of intangible heritage.

    The Conference is open to everyone - whether general public or members of the federation.

    Click for Details

    The British Columbia Historical Federation encourages interest in the history of British Columbia through research, presentation, and support.


    Periodical Wisdom

    Some tips to help you iron out the wrinkles from the July 1931 edition of McCall's magazine.

    All kinds of helpful hints, recipes and practical "how-to" advice can all be found in periodicals from our archival collection.

    Click for Full Article


    Photo of the Month

    CDM #989.183.161
    Sea plane, 1939

    You can view more photos like this on our website. Click here to visit our holdings.


    Merville - 100 Years and Counting

    The Merville community celebrated the one year anniversary of sod turning with a 1920 May Day celebration.

    It was a party with all the trimmings: Violet Trotter was crowned May Queen, a May-pole Dance was performed and there were treats, sports and a May Day Ball.

    Read all about it in this front page article from the Comox Argus of May 6, 1920.

    Bonus Bonus
    Click here to see a photo of May Queen Violet Trotter.


    It's All There in Black and White

    Remember the Milk Runs? Not just an excuse to get out in the spring sunshine, they also raised money for the BC Society for Crippled Children. This page from the May 2, 1980 Comox District Free Press is sure to bring back memories for people schooled here in the valley. Presented with apologies to the lactose intolerant.

    Read More

    With legacy support from the Bickle Family and the Comox Valley Echo.


    Your Membership and Donations Make A Difference

    Purchasing a membership to the Courtenay and District Museum, now in its 58th year, supports heritage preservation in the Comox Valley through special events, lectures, education programmes, research and exhibitions. Your membership benefits these award winning programmes on a year round basis and we appreciate it!

    Becoming a member provides you with discounts in the gift shop and on lectures and an opportunity to support one of the most active regional museums in British Columbia. Thank you for your support.

    Click here to Join

    Click Here to Make a Donation


    Watershed Moments

    Here is the latest newsletter installment of an image from the museum's award-winning book Watershed Moments - A Pictorial History of Courtenay and District.

    Photo credit: Laver's Store decorated for the 1937 coronation celebration of King George VI. Charles Sillence photograph.

    Photo: CDM Sillence Collection. Page 172-173.

    Click Here for a Larger Version


    Lecture: Riding the Continent

    Time and Date: 7 pm, Tuesday, June 11, 2019
    Location: Rotary Gallery of the Courtenay and District Museum
    Speaker: Trevor Marc Hughes
    Tickets: $5 for Historical Society members; $6 for general public (plus GST). Advance tickets strongly recommended as lectures frequently sell out. Tickets can be purchased over the phone by calling 250-334-0686 ext 2.
    Note: tickets go on sale May 17, 2019.

    Riding the Continent is Hamilton Mack Laing's previously unpublished memoir about his 1915 transcontinental motorcycle trip. Laing's story explores the beauty of North America's bird life and describes the sights, scenery and people he encountered.

    Click for More Info


    Museum Funding

    The Courtenay and District Historical Society was registered as a nonprofit society in 1961 to preserve and interpret cultural and natural heritage of the Comox Valley. It has functioned as an independent society since that time. Funds are derived from the generous support of the City of Courtenay, British Columbia Arts Council, Comox Valley Regional District, British Columbia Gaming Branch, and from museum generated revenues and donations.

    Proud sponsors of the Courtenay & District Museum:

    The City of Courtenay

    BC Arts Councils

    Regional District Comox-Strathcona

    British Columbia Gaming Commision