Courtenay Mayor George Hobson (left) with Premier W.A.C. Bennett, September 13, 1971. The Premier was in town to open Courtenay’s Civic Centre which was a BC Centennial Project.
W.A.C. Bennett Political Cartoons
March 25th to May 27th
A travelling exhibit from the Kelowna Museum.
In 1993 the Kelowna Museum acquired a number of articles belonging to the late W.A.C. Bennett. Amongst this large and varied collection was a group of framed cartoons, most of them original, that had hung in the stairway of the Bennett home. Some of Canada’s most famous editorial cartoonists were represented, including Sid Barron, Roy Peterson and Len Norris. Thirty-three of these cartoons form the basis of this exhibit.
William Andrew Cecil (W.A.C.) Bennett (b 1900 – d 1979) was leader of the Social Credit Party and premier of BC from August 1, 1952 to September 15, 1972. Bennett was the longest serving premier in BC history.