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Event type: Online (Zoom)
Time and Date: 7:00 pm, Tuesday, May 21st, 2024
Speaker: Mark Merlino
Cost: Free Admission or By Donation
Zoom Link to Copy: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83273151147?pwd=VnptcDA3YkQ5c3pFMW9CQ1NqckZGUT09

Join our guest speaker, Educator/Librarian Mark Merlino, for an enlightening Zoom presentation about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) facilitates machine learning and its present and future role in our lives.

Discover the latest transformative applications of AI and the implications of its expanded use. From research and e-commerce to self-driving vehicles and AI video generation, you will gain a deeper understanding of the impact of AI on our lives.

The presentation will be 45 minutes, with a 15 minute question/discussion period afterwards.

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