CDM 989.204.3  Courtenay E&N station under construction.

CDM 989.204.3
Courtenay E&N station under construction.

The Courtenay and District Museum is gearing up for the 100th Anniversary of the E&N Railway coming to Courtenay on August 14, 2014 and to the 100th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the City of Courtenay on January 1, 1915. To start on the right track, we’ll be lending a hand to the Courtenay Rotary Club’s Trail Along the Rails project by getting information out about their online auction. If you want to find out more about this initiative here’s the link.

In addition, the super curatorial team at the museum has been delving into archival, map and document files to bring more information to the community about the impact of rails in the Comox Valley; whether it be the E&N, hauling logs to Royston or the creation of logging camps, railways have played a major role in development of the valley. This summer, the museum will be presenting an exhibition, From Camps to Communities which will explore this wonderful history. Here’s one of the images that will be included in the exhibit.