
Throughout 2015 the museum newsletter has provided glimpses into the back story on the City’s Incorporation, history and development.

This final installment features a holiday theme snippet from the December 25, 1914 Courtenay Review:

Courtenay’s Opera House is visible in the background of this image. It was near the corner of 5th Street and Cliffe Avenue. R. Merle Halliday (1875-1944) and his wife Jessie (1887/1888? – 1936) are in the horse drawn cutter. The horse (Tammy) and cutter were owned by Reverend Menzies. Date: winter of 1915-1916. CDM 980.39.2

Courtenay’s Opera House is visible in the background of this image. It was near the corner of 5th Street and Cliffe Avenue.
R. Merle Halliday (1875-1944) and his wife Jessie (1887/1888? – 1936) are in the horse drawn cutter. The horse (Tammy) and cutter were owned by Reverend Menzies. Date: winter of 1915-1916.
CDM 980.39.2

“The annual Christmas tree and concert of the Presbyterian Sunday School is being held in the Opera House this (Thursday) evening. The parents and children will be admitted free. A good programme of songs, recitations, duets, etc., has been prepared by the children, after which Santa Claus will distribute presents from an old-fashioned Xmas tree.”