May is Asian Heritage Month

To commemorate Asian Heritage Month, we’d like to shine a light on the first Chinese couple to be wed in Comox, Mr. Wing Sun Mah and Miss Yim Sung Wong. According to this April 23, 1958 article from the Comox District Free Press, the groom’s family were also the first Chinese household in Comox.

2024-05-07T13:58:33-07:00May 7th, 2024|Categories: History, The Comox Valley|Comments Off on May is Asian Heritage Month

Courtenay Streets: Fitzgerald Avenue

This month’s newsletter highlights Fitzgerald Avenue and the family it’s named after. The article was penned by local historian Dorothy Isabelle Stubbs (1905-2003) who wrote several different columns for newspapers over the years including “Spotlight on Courtenay Streets” for the Comox District Free Press in 1970. This article appeared in the March 11th edition.

2024-04-05T10:08:32-07:00April 4th, 2024|Categories: History, The Comox Valley|Comments Off on Courtenay Streets: Fitzgerald Avenue

Courtenay Streets: Douglas Place

This month’s newsletter highlights Douglas Place, named after William (Bill) Douglas. The article was penned by local historian Dorothy Isabelle Stubbs (1905-2003) who wrote several different columns for newspapers over the years including “Spotlight on Courtenay Streets” for the Comox District Free Press in 1970. This article appeared in the February 25th edition.

2024-03-05T14:09:32-08:00February 29th, 2024|Categories: History, The Comox Valley|Comments Off on Courtenay Streets: Douglas Place
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