7th Annual Romeo St. Jacques Memorial Car Show

Check out some roadworthy antiques at this year’s Hot August Nights Classic Car Show & Cruise. Over 500 classic American cars will be lining the fairways of the beautiful Park at Crown Isle on August 10th.

2024-08-08T17:20:29-07:00August 8th, 2024|Categories: Comox Valley Events, The Comox Valley|Comments Off on 7th Annual Romeo St. Jacques Memorial Car Show

Summer Fossil Tours

Now that we’re halfway through summer, don’t miss the chance to book your spot on a world famous fossil tour guided by our Natural History Curator, Pat Trask. Tours run from now until the fall, with public tours for families and school programming available for classes and youth groups.

2024-08-08T17:08:00-07:00August 8th, 2024|Categories: Fossils, Museum Programs, Paleontology|Comments Off on Summer Fossil Tours

A Visit from BC Premier, David Eby

On July 23rd, Premier David Eby visited the Courtenay and District Museum to celebrate the October 2023 legislation of the Puntledge River elasmosaur as BC’s provincial fossil emblem.

2024-08-08T16:48:04-07:00August 8th, 2024|Categories: Museum News, Paleontology, The Comox Valley|Comments Off on A Visit from BC Premier, David Eby
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