May is Asian Heritage Month

To commemorate Asian Heritage Month, we’d like to shine a light on the first Chinese couple to be wed in Comox, Mr. Wing Sun Mah and Miss Yim Sung Wong. According to this April 23, 1958 article from the Comox District Free Press, the groom’s family were also the first Chinese household in Comox.

2024-05-07T13:58:33-07:00May 7th, 2024|Categories: History, The Comox Valley|Comments Off on May is Asian Heritage Month

Now Live: Vaux’s Swifts Chimney Cam at the Courtenay Museum

We’re excited to broadcast the vaux’s swifts return to the Courtenay Museum’s brick chimney this year. With help from Mayor Bob Wells, City of Courtenay staff and ACS Computer Solutions, the museum has placed not one but two live cameras on the roof to view the swift traffic inside and outside the chimney.

2024-04-25T15:28:02-07:00April 25th, 2024|Categories: Museum Events, Museum News|Comments Off on Now Live: Vaux’s Swifts Chimney Cam at the Courtenay Museum

Spring Fling Wrap-Up

We want to extend a big thank you to the nearly-600 attendees who came to the museum’s Spring Fling and Easter Things event on March 23rd. And a huge thank you to Mr. Day and his crew, the Barnyard Party Animals family, and Amy from Magical Faces for making the event such a success.

2024-04-12T11:45:39-07:00April 12th, 2024|Categories: Museum Events, Museum News|Comments Off on Spring Fling Wrap-Up

RCAF Centennial Celebration

April 1st, 2024 marks 100 years of service for the Royal Canadian Air Force as a distinct military element. The centennial milestone is an opportunity to showcase and honour its distinct heritage through several events and celebrations.

2024-04-12T10:57:23-07:00April 12th, 2024|Categories: BC Museum News, The Comox Valley|Comments Off on RCAF Centennial Celebration

Fossil Tours Are Back!

As the warmer weather approaches, don’t forget to book your spot on a world famous fossil tour guided by our Natural History Curator, Pat Trask. Tours will run from now until the fall, with public tours for families and school programming available for classes and youth groups. These tour options are the perfect outing for all ages, newcomers and returning enthusiasts.

2024-04-12T10:19:15-07:00April 12th, 2024|Categories: Fossils, Museum News, Museum Programs|Comments Off on Fossil Tours Are Back!

Courtenay Streets: Fitzgerald Avenue

This month’s newsletter highlights Fitzgerald Avenue and the family it’s named after. The article was penned by local historian Dorothy Isabelle Stubbs (1905-2003) who wrote several different columns for newspapers over the years including “Spotlight on Courtenay Streets” for the Comox District Free Press in 1970. This article appeared in the March 11th edition.

2024-04-05T10:08:32-07:00April 4th, 2024|Categories: History, The Comox Valley|Comments Off on Courtenay Streets: Fitzgerald Avenue

New Exhibit at the Comox Air Force Museum

The Comox Air Force Museum is celebrating 100 years of RCAF history on the west coast of Canada with its new centennial exhibit, RCAF 1924 - 2024: Celebrating 100 Years of the RCAF on the West Coast of Canada, now open for public viewing.

2024-03-27T11:42:14-07:00March 27th, 2024|Categories: BC Museum News|Comments Off on New Exhibit at the Comox Air Force Museum
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